by Kevin Lim (, for
We’ve moved Techgoondu’s content to the Creative Commons 3.0 License (Singapore).
This basically means that as long as you attribute to the source (i.e.Techgoondu), feel free to copy and mash-up any of the content here as you see fit. You can see this license on our front page on the right-hand sidebar.
Why are we doing this?
We’re not deluded enough to think our content is popular enough that it will run into some legal issues over copyright. Far from it. In fact if you take stuff, we’ll be more than flattered.
The whole exercise is more about making a point: content like this should be free, and we are stating upfront we have no issues with that, now and in the future.
Call it a reaction to our backgrounds in media, where “content protection” is the norm. That is not the way the world is heading, and not the way we believe information should be handled. Many of us here at Techgoondu are open source advocates anyway, so we should walk-the-talk, so to speak.
Besides, the site was set up on passion to find an alternative tech voice outside our work, and profit is not on our high list of priorities for Techgoondu.
If you have a good tech blog in Singapore, we’d love to RSS feed your content in a sidebar on our site. I believe it serves the Singaporean readers out there better. Drop us an email.
Thanks to this post for sparking this idea.
Hahaha.. Nice!!.. Keep the creative commons spirit going..