The latest AMD Phenom IIs, while closing the performance gap on Intel’s new dual-core chips, are no benchmark-busting CPUs.
Fortunately, the perennial challenger and alternative CPU maker is doing much better on the graphics front, with its speedy ATI Radeon 4870×2 chips still being king of the hill. And, for once, AMD is not sitting on its pants as the competitor (this time, Nvidia) closes in.
Just a week after Nvidia’s latest GeForce 280 series drivers were released, AMD posted its brand new Catalyst 9.1 drivers. This was out in the United States on Jan 29.
How do they perform? Some hardware sites are reporting that there’re some improvements in the popular Far Cry 2 and Crysis Warhead first-person shooters. Others are a bit disappointed with the lack of even more speed to be squeezed out of the hardware.
Either way, you can download Catalyst 9.1 here and try it out yourself.