StarHub has dipped into the digital downloads market by firing up a store to sell digital copies of games, ranging from the casual to the more serious or “competitive”. The online store will sell both PC and mobile games.
Casual titles include Bejeweled and Zuma, while serious online multiplayer titles so far include Fifa Online 2 and Serious Sam HD. To kick things off, StarHub’s giving 25 per cent off Serious Sam HD.
The mobile games option appear more logical with StarHub users able to download the games directly onto their phones and with credits purchased over SMS.
But for PC games, it seems a little counter-intuitive to have to buy credits before being able to buy and download the digital copies.
Think of Electronic Arts Singapore’s website, for example, where you can pay and download games in advance before they are launched and then play on Day One. Consider other offerings that gamers have been taking up, like Steam for the PC and the built-in marketplace for Xbox Live, and you see what StarHub is up against.
Also, take note that for some games such as Serious Sam, StarHub still requires you to go to a third party site to buy them (using a credit card).
It’s a bit here and a bit there, and you can’t be sure what StarHub is trying to do here, as a result. There are a lot more compelling game stores online and some of them – like EA Singapore – are fast to download from as well. StarHub has to get more AAA-titles to Singapore before such stores will have a cutting edge over existing offerings.
I’ve tried a few platforms for selling my game mods. Starhub is no different from most, for instance I’m using Scubbly ( to sell stuff and it works great, uses PayPal for its payments.
I’m mostly a PC gamer (plus a bit of mobile with my Android and almost defunct DS).
The Starhub store seems a little underpowered compared to what I expect for my marketplace for my platforms.
For PC + Mac, Steam is the most well known when it comes to direct downloads.
When it is not congested (and you have internet access), it works well. Besides forums + achievements, there are sometimes great discounts, like the current Black Friday discounts (till 29th Nov).
I would also like to point out Impulse, which is an excellent direct gaming site which offers really good deals, and charges in the local currency (in this case, SGD). For indies, it’s a good place to check.
Here’s a good list of digital direct-to-platform game sites.
If Starhub is to get me as a customer (and I’m a triple play mobile/broadband/cable subscriber) for their game site, then the site needs a little more polish. Or discounts, or stuff that will attract me. E.g. can use my Starhub reward points to redeem games, etc.