It’s no secret that we love to share what we’re eating. A lot of us even post photos of delectable morsels that we would like to get our hands on in the near future.
But in this age of smartphones and digital assistants, have you ever wondered if the process of sharing foodie photos can be smarter?
That’s a gap that Singapore start-up Burpple wants to fill.
Essentially, Burpple is a food diary that combines the good ideas of many social networks today. It focuses on connecting food and people, and allows users to organise and explore food moments.
Once you download the app to your iOS device and sign up for the service, you can immediately start taking photos of what you’re eating and sharing them with your friends.
Sounds like any other social network so far, but Burpple takes it a step further and lets users organise their photo uploads into tagged groups called “Boxes” for easy reference. (Think pin boards on Pinterest)
Burpple is also like a journal, helping users remember the date and place they had a particular dish, even if the photo is uploaded after the meal. The app is capable of reading the EXIF data of the photo (if such data is available) and automatically fills in the blanks for location and timestamp.
This sets it apart from other food photography apps like Foodspotting, which requires users to validate their current location before allowing them to upload their snapshots.
See a particular dish shot by someone else that you want to try some day? Share it with your friends easily by “reburpping” it into your own collection, sort of like “retweeting” on Twitter.
Burpple can also help when you visit a new restaurant or eating place and have no idea what to order. Users can rate restaurants and recommend dishes, and even share recipes with their friends.
The interface looks similar to mobile social network Path, and that’s a good thing. Burpple is easily one of the most user-friendly apps I’ve ever used.
Burpple is proving to be very popular among local folks, and has been featured as a “Top Lifestyle” and “What’s Hot” categories on the Singapore iOS App Store.
Unfortunately, the app is currently only available on iOS, although the developers have said they will port it over to Android as soon as possible.
Give the app a shot and leave your thoughts in the comments section below! Be warned, though: browsing Burpple will make you very hungry.
Bonus: Remember the “How to Order Kopi Like a Pro” infograph that went viral last year? Yup, the team at Burpple is behind it.
Funny how you guys keep advocating Android phones and claim there’s no disparity when it comes to apps- and here you go, featuring an app that is iOS only.
Truth is, no fucking developers care about Android as a platform unless they’re forced to. The latest and greatest apps will always be released on iOS first for a long, long time to come.