Two Singapore-based tech firms under the Accreditation@IDA programme have won two new government IT projects, with three more projects undergoing final evaluations.
The projects are estimated to be worth over S$1 million, the Infocomm Development Authority said today.
The winners are Kai Square, a provider of cloud-based video analytics software used to detect intrusions and analyse human traffic flow, and Inspire-Tech, whose EasiShare software lets corporate users send large files securely.
Accreditation@IDA is an initiative by the IDA to accredit promising tech companies in a bid to position them as qualified suppliers to government and large enterprise technology buyers.
According to IDA, eight Singapore-based companies have been accredited in less than a year since the initiative kicked off in last July. To qualify for accreditation, each company must own the intellectual property for an enterprise product, with a focus on software, and should rake in less than S$10 million worth of revenues a year.
Steve Leonard, deputy executive chairman at IDA, said the IDA has worked with the government’s chief information officers to open doors for accredited companies, helping them to bring their ideas and technologies to key decision makers across the government.
These include workshops and discussion forums to help accredited companies pitch their products, explore new use cases and develop proof-of-concept projects.
“The results so far have been amazing, with accredited companies having developed a pipeline of more than 100 projects in cooperation with at least 50 agencies, worth potentially many millions of dollars to these small companies,” Leonard said.