code::XtremeApps::2010 goes green
code::XtremeApps, the annual Singapore 24-hour computer programming competition organised by the Information…
Skype provides free Wi-Fi access to stranded travellers
The ash clouds from Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull have created air travel chaos…
Telcos set to dominate the IT services scene, says IDC
Telcos will become the epicenter of enterprise IT services in the future…’s Chatter and the enterprise social networking market
The future of business collaboration is in web-based social networks, and software…
Commentary: Singapore’s pay-TV content sharing
After all these years, and facing the wrath of football fans deprived…
YOG social media initiatives don’t get enough love
The more I talk to the Youth Olympic Games folks to uncover…
Free iPad for beta testing? Nope, you’ve been scammed
It's the oldest trick in the book when it comes to scamming:…
YOG launches virtual world to reach out to youths
As part of the worldwide promotion to create buzz around the inaugural…
Microsoft vs Google: Fight!
There has always been rivalry in the tech industry, but it's not…
Auto login for Wireless@SG – at last
Hard to log in. Keep getting disconnected. If those problems have kept…
Buzz vs Facebook, and my seduction by Google
The Internet has been abuzz with Google's announcement of Buzz, their new…
iNETS mobile: Would you use this?
NETS, the Singapore electronic payment vendor, just launched their iNETS mobile service,…
Goondu out-of-box guide for Nexus One
So you have ripped apart your DHL package and started messing around…
What’s Google really doing in China?
Is Google really for a higher ideal - "human rights implications" -…
Street View turned on in Singapore
Tiny Singapore finally joins the ranks of countries with Street View today,…
A common set-top box for S’pore: you sure it makes sense?
StarHub uses a cable plant to send its TV signals to homes;…
Google Maps packs in the data with LTA and Quantum Inventions
Yes, Google has spoken… when it comes to improving its map's accuracy…
Google Maps in Singapore partners with the Land Transport Authority
Techgoondu is heading down Thursday morning for an announcement by Google and…
Replacing physical cabling with wireless 802.11n
It's taken four years. Four years to get the Wi-Fi 802.11n specifications…
Watch U2 live on YouTube
In an age when stupid restrictions from content owners prevent you from…