Google voice search for your phone
Voice search for your phone - sounds good yeah? I thought so… – Microsoft’s new search engine
Microsoft, as you may have heard, is launching a new search engine…
Notes from unConference 2009
Techgoondu had the chance to be at unConference 2009 held yesterday at…
More Androids landing in S’pore by June?
This piece of disclosure by StarHub CEO Terry Clontz, which I wrote…
HTC Android phone comes to Singapore and Australia
After months of waiting, phone lovers in Asia will finally get their… now with Streetlevel views
I'm really glad that the folks got their 90 seconds of…
S’pore exercise junkies get your distance fix here
Thanks to Daft Logic, exercise junkies - those who pound the pavement…
Google adds video to e-mail and chat
It's one of those things that make you go: "why didn't I…