Tag: Singapore


iNETS mobile: Would you use this?

NETS, the Singapore electronic payment vendor, just launched their iNETS mobile service,…

Chan Chi-Loong

Techfest ’09 thoughts

Singapore does do interesting infotech R&D. But it doesn't get the publicity…

Chan Chi-Loong

Cool glass display technologies at Broadcast Asia 2009

Communic Asia has been a busy week, with IDA press updates on…

Chan Chi-Loong

Notes from unConference 2009

Techgoondu had the chance to be at unConference 2009 held yesterday at…

Aaron Tan

SuperModelMe.tv: 10 hot babes, 10 weeks, 1 winner

Think of SuperModelMe.tv as another "America's Next Top Model" type of show.…

Chan Chi-Loong

Lotus Singapore 2009 talks up collaboration

At yesterday's Lotus Singapore 2009 -- part of a series of regional…

Chan Chi-Loong

Great offers at IT Show ’09 (Part I)

It's that time of the year again when the biggest consumer computer…

Chan Chi-Loong

A night for tech start-ups in Singapore

Firstly, a big thank you to the folks who took time out…

Chan Chi-Loong

Thoughts on Blogout ’09

"Social media is like teen sex. Everybody wants to do it. Nobody…

Chan Chi-Loong

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic comes with free music

Gin already wrote a post on Nokia's "Comes with Music" launch in…

Chan Chi-Loong

Meet the Techgoondus: March 10th

Interested in free publicity? Techgoondu is organizing a "Meet the Techgoondus" session…

Chan Chi-Loong

More Androids landing in S’pore by June?

This piece of disclosure by StarHub CEO Terry Clontz, which I wrote…

Boon Kiat

Gothere.sg: now with Streetlevel views

I'm really glad that the Gothere.sg folks got their 90 seconds of…

Chan Chi-Loong

Want to win a tech grant of S$50K from MDA?

Start-up@ Singapore 2009, a national business plan competition with a 10-year pedigree,…

Chan Chi-Loong

How to convert YouTube music to mp3

A friend asked me about this, so I thought it's good to…

Chan Chi-Loong

S’pore exercise junkies get your distance fix here

Thanks to Daft Logic, exercise junkies - those who pound the pavement…

Boon Kiat

Techgoondu gets on Creative Commons

by Kevin Lim (theory.isthereason.com), for creativecommonssingapore.wordpress.com We've moved Techgoondu's content to the…

Chan Chi-Loong

Lost in Singapore? Don’t know where? Use Gothere

If you live in Singapore and you haven't heard of or tried…

Chan Chi-Loong

Shoplette: Singapore’s shopping twitter

The idea: you spot a pair of pink hello kitty slippers in…

Chan Chi-Loong

Jabber and chatter on Singapore’s Yebber

Yebber is a Singapore-based website that aggregates reviews by end users and…

Chan Chi-Loong