Tag: xperia


In Mobile World Congress 2018, phone makers seem to be reaching a plateau

There seems to be a lack of a wow factor of late.…

Alfred Siew

Hands on: Sony Xperia XZ1, XZ1 Compact and XA1 Plus out in Singapore in October

With the same monobloc design that have been compared to power banks,…

Alfred Siew

Goondu review: Sony Xperia Z

Hitting all the right notes in terms of specs and design, Sony’s…

Raymond Lau

Hands-on: Sony Xperia Z

Sony is one of the most well-known electronics brands in the world,…

Raymond Lau

Hands-on: Sony shows off Xperia ion in Singapore, no sticker price yet

Sony on Wednesday unveiled a range of smartphones for the region, with…

Raymond Lau